Triptych: Final Image




In my final Image, I decided to place each item on the bag I found them in. I knew from the beginning I wanted to create an eery mood with each image, and so altered the contrast, faded the edges into a darker border, and made sure the textured background was visible. I also altered the colour to make the images cooler, hiding the artificial lighting’s warmer tone.

Keith Arnatt has inspired me to take unwanted objects and give them a new life, where they would otherwise be disposed of and never seen by more than a couple of people, if that. Luckily, I had a situation where this concept would work perfectly. As a student, me and my friends take it upon ourselves to try and relax during the weekend, and our favourite thing to do is drink alcohol and visit the on campus club “Propaganda”. After a couple of nights out, I have found random objects in my bag that I have no recollection of finding or receiving, and have begun a small collection of such items. These things will have either been given to me, found in a club or enroute, or accidentally taken from friends flats. As these items have not been missed, and their being seems rather unimportant, I have never had an opportunity to return them, and therefore they have become unwanted by their original owners.

Portraiture: Mysterious Boy


As soon as I found his work, I knew I wanted to experiment with how Adde Adesokan creates his work. Adde Adesokan takes three personality matching images of complete strangers, and displays them as a Triptych. One person who I was unfamiliar with was my flat mate’s new carer. I had seen him a couple of times prier to these photo’s being taken, so felt it would be convenient and appropriate to ask him to be part of my photography project.

On interviewing him, I found out that Cameron’s carer Brian has only been doing house visits for a couple of years, and his attire on this particular day mirrored his youth. Because of this personality trait, I asked him to pose with the keys to Cameron’s room, making the item relevant to his job. I pitched these three images together to create similar images to that of Adesokan’s work.




Using Lightroom, I was originally going to bleach, however as I eventually used this technique on my self portrait, I chose to follow Adde’s lead and make the images black and white. This ended up looking better than I had initially planned, giving the photo’s a better chance to highlight certain points in them, for example





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