Appreciation Brief: Inspiration and Research

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For my first two images, I was mainly inspired by my own interests and preferences. As mentioned in their specific posts, I took their images from social media and took them away from their owners perspective, and gave them a new meaning. As for the design, I was highly inspired by previous work I had both created and researched. One image that gave me the idea of mixing photography with geometric shapes was the above edit I found online whilst scrolling through generic tumblr tags. In the image, Different parts of the image have been manipulated and rearranged into a pattern of triangular shapes, an effect I found was complimented mainly by the usage of thin lines and central focus.


With every intention of sticking to a geometric theme, I began to research into artists who took one thing and turned it into something else, as this was obviously rather fitting to the brief. A favourite artist of mine named Alex Pardee is famous for transforming disgusting concepts into beautiful and colourful pieces of art. The idea of using things such as the slitting of a mans throat or a flesh like creature taking over a human skull would never have been planted into my mind as a way to create an attractive piece, however bright colours and detailed shading adds a sadistic form of attraction, inspiring me to take something rather morbid and make it attractive.

Appropriation Brief: First Thoughts

Studying media prior to this module gave me the simplest of ideas on how to produce and present photography, so I was unsure what to expect. Out first brief “Appropriation” seemed daunting at first, however our lectures and workshops soon cleared up my idea of what I was expected to do. With the concept of taking an image that already exists and giving it a new or more complex meaning cemented in my mind, I began to look forward to the freedom we had within this first assignment.